About Us
Employment and Business Opportunities
Employment And Business Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Workforce development is essential to this vision. POAH is collaborating with diverse stakeholders to identify residents, provide training opportunities and job skills development, and place residents and community members into available roles.
Available Roles
Click the buttons below to learn more about current employment opportunities with POAH and the Barry Farm Redevelopment Project.
Property Manager:
Occupancy Specialist:
Maintenance Technician:
Maintenance Supervisor:

“The opening of The Asberry gives our returning residents an opportunity to live in new, modern homes and creates a foundation for reestablishing the vibrant, spirited Barry Farm community for generations to come."
– Keith Pettigrew, DCHA Executive Director.
Business Opportunities
The Barry Farm Redevelopment offers approximately 40,000 square feet of retail and office spaces in an exciting new community that is bringing new homes, business activity and social and cultural amenities. Be part of this new neighborhood and be an active part of our community. If you are interested in locating a business at the site please fill out the quick form below.
We urge DC businesses to apply for certification and to take advantage of the many services provided by the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD) to DC-certified businesses. For more information, visit https://dslbd.dc.gov/.

BID Announcements
Phase 1B Infrastructure:
Eaton Rd, SE, Obama Way SE, Eureka Place SE, Solomon Rd SE Infrastructure
The Phase 1B Infrastructure project will encompass an existing area bounded on the North and South by Sumner Rd SE and Eaton Rd SE to and on the West and East by Local Firth Sterling Ave SE and Wade Rd SE. The scope of work includes demolition and construction grading, utilities, drainage, paving, signage, pavement markings, landscaping, lighting, and new roads.
Read Full Bid here